
The EminiFX trap

The Haitian Times, October 23, 2023 [Part of series, supported by the McGraw Center for Business Journalism, about a $250 million crypto Ponzi targeting Haitians]

3 steps Elon Musk can take to avoid tanking Twitter's reputation, according to PR pros

Business Insider, May 6, 2022

How Amazon advertisers can surpass supply-chain issues and get products in front of customers this holiday season

Business Insider, December 3, 2021 

The founder of no-code startup Unqork says its older C-suite is the secret sauce to its $2 billion valuation 

Business Insider, February 19, 2021

Haitian American essential workers hit with a double whammy

The Haitian Times, April 23, 2020

Opinion Writing

Haiti, monetized | Opinion 

The Haitian Times, April 11, 2024

Let’s be honest about what Haiti needs from the world right now

The Haitian Times, March 16, 2024

The gang takeover of Haiti happened long before this jailbreak

The Haitian Times, March 5, 2024

Shaping the Haiti narrative: You and tech versus the ‘joudalis’ and big media P1

The Haitian Times, February 15, 2024

Bravo to the Haitians who sued Indiana, they’re modeling Dr. King’s teachings

The Haitian Times, January 18, 2024

Gay’s resignation as Harvard president is an inspiration to leave toxic roles

The Haitian Times, January 9, 2024


Behind the Haitian race to Indianapolis

The Haitian Times, October 18, 2023 [Series supported by the Ford Foundation]

One island. Two nations. Worlds apart? Behind the rhetoric distancing Haiti and the Dominican Republic

The Haitian Times, June 20, 2023  [Series supported by the Pulitzer Center]

Raising money to serve Haitians: A delicate act for many nonprofits

The Haitian Times, March 30, 2023 [Part of series supported by the Chronicle of Philanthropy]

Gangs in Haiti: A deeper look

The Haitian Times, September 2022 

Disorder in Haiti’s courts

The Haitian Times, July 7, 2022 

Haitians in Tapachula

The Haitian Times, May 16, 2022 

Battle-tested, bone-weary, Haitians hang on for survival after president’s assassination  

The Haitian Times, August 7, 2021


Interviewing & producing

Exclusive interview with Mayor Adams

The Haitian Times, May 9, 2024  

“He should join Eddy too, at the jail”

The Haitian Times, October 23, 2023  

EminiFX CEO responds to class action complaint

The Haitian Times, July 18, 2023  

Explained: Why Haiti & the Dominican Republic are at odds  

The Haitian Times, September 29, 2023


Dayana’s story: From Haiti to a new life in America

The Haitian Times, May 25, 2023 

Little Haiti in Transition | Gentrification at the heart of South Florida Haitians’ cultural cradle

The Haitian Times, April 30, 2023

Crisis in Haiti: How We Got Here

The Haitian Times, May 21, 2021

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Employee / Internal Communications

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  • Change management strategy

  • Wealth, compensation & HR benefits guides

  • Wellness multimedia campaigns

  • Executive comms, thought leadership


Small Business Marketing Content

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  • Ghostwriting articles, op-eds, speeches

  • Grant proposals, investor pitches


On-the-job Writing & Speaking Essentials

  • Career storytelling & self-advocacy

  • Job memos, proposals

  • Personal statements, essays

  • Resume/bio packages, LinkedIn profiles



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